Tuesday, November 3, 2015

My Top 100--Introduction and Table of Contents

As you might have heard, the publication to which I'd devoted almost all of my creative energy over the past three years was shut down on Friday. This leaves me not only without my primary place of employment, but without any place to write or pressure to do so.
So, because I've got nothing better to do, and if I don't keep myself busy bad things will happen, I've decided to undertake a Large Writing Project. In this case, to list and rank my 100 favorite songs, and to write at least briefly about each--why I like it, as well as what (if any) emotional, historical or cultural significance it has.
This list is, of course, completely subjective, so you're probably going to disagree with at least some of the rankings, though that's not really the point. My goal is (apart from just staying in practice) not to be authoritative about anything, but to discuss these songs themselves, because the order will probably change by the time I finish writing, to say nothing of how I'll feel months into the future.
Right now, my plan is to finish this project by New Year's Eve, which means two posts a day most days, which could change if a big professional opportunity comes up and I get particularly busy in the near future.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading this and/or I enjoy writing it.