Tuesday, November 24, 2015

My Top 100, No. 57: "We Belong" by Pat Benatar

I think I've finally figured out why Pat Benatar always looked weird to me--it's because her eyes are bigger than her mouth.

Anyway, on to the song.
It's cheesy as hell. It's a love song, but it sounds like one of those songs that's about how mankind should come together in shared understanding. The kind of song that puts into stark relief why musicians are so rarely diplomats.
But it's got a great chorus. It takes that airy verse and adds a sparse but concussive drumbeat, and it takes you off the cloud and really starts going somewhere. Then going into "Whatever we deny or embrace for worse or for better," it sort of turns a corner and spirals back over to the next cloud. 
And by the time the children's chorus kicks in, you've forgotten about how cheesy the song is, and you're starting to wonder if there will ever be a moment where you're not humming the first line of the chorus.