Monday, November 9, 2015

My Top 100, No. 88: "19-2000" by Gorillaz

More than any other song on this list, the music video for "19-2000" is about a machine.

Murdoc's dune buggy is one of my favorite fictional vehicles, and every bit as cool a car as any in the history of music videos. It's so cool it ended up on the album cover. It's the defining bit of imagery for Gorillaz, a band that--because it's made up of cartoons--has an entirely constructed image. 
The video starts with Murdoc putting the dune buggy in drive, which is 1) The only animated video I can think of in which the camera focuses on the selection lever on a vehicle with an automatic transmission and 2) appropriate, because "19-2000" feels like a machine. And like a car, "19-2000" has an equally popular turbocharged version.
The backbeat almost sounds like a coin-operated mechanism, like you can hear the motor driving the gears inside the toy. And over that gets layered enough vocal filler--the "la la la" and "bee-doo-bop" parts--that "19-2000" is unusual for a mostly electronic song in that I think it would be absolutely perfect for an a cappella group. I briefly considered starting such a group in high school just so I'd have a laboratory in which I could test this theory.
Anyway, all of this churning and whirring takes all of a minute and five seconds to convince you not only that you can dance, but that you should. Because when the chorus kicks in, you find yourself enthusiastically in favor of acquiring the cool shoeshine.